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Meet Our Former FCG Top 50 Coaches
From 2016 – 2018 The FCG Top 50 Elite Junior Golf Coach Award recognized coaches who specialize in competitive players ages 13-18. Their players compete at the highest levels of junior golf and regularly develop into college golfers. Below is a list of these top coaches and we look forward to picking up where we left off in continuing to grow the best network of elite junior coaches in the world.

Alan Ochiai
Alan Ochiai

Allen Terrell
Allen Terrell

Barry Goldstein
Barry Goldstein

Bill McInerney
Bill McInerney

Bill Schmedes III
Bill Schmedes III

Brad Pluth
Brad Pluth

Brady Riggs
Brady Riggs

Brech Spradley
Brech Spradley

Brett Packee
Brett Packee

Cameron McCormack
Cameron McCormack

Carlos Brown
Carlos Brown

Cheryl Anderson
Cheryl Anderson

Chris Mayson
Chris Mayson

Chris Smeal
Chris Smeal

Chris Tremblay
Chris Tremblay

Chris Rowe
Chris Rowe

Craig Bocking
Craig Bocking

Dan Carraher
Dan Carraher

Dave Heinen
Dave Heinen

Derek Uyeda
Derek Uyeda

Don Law
Don Law

Don Parsons
Don Parsons

Elena King
Elena King

Erik Horve
Erik Horve

Frank Matua
Frank Matua

George Gankas
George Gankas

Henry Brunton
Herny Brunton

Jarrod Funk
Jarrod Funk

Jay Reid
Jay Reid

Jeff Fisher
Jeff Fisher

Jeff Isler
Jeff Isler

Joey Wuertemberger
Joey Wuertemberger

John Perna
John Perna

Josh Nahm
Josh Nahm

Kehli Bowen
Kehli Bowen

Larry Ward
Larry Ward

Matt Wilson
Matt Wilson

Matt Fields
Matt Fields

Paul Horton
Paul Horton

Phillip Dawson Jr.
Phillip Dawson Jr.

Rob Stocke
Rob Stocke

Charles Scoggins
Charles Scoggins

Spencer Graham III
Spencer Graham III

Tim Sheredy
Tim Sheredy

Tim Cooke
Tim Cooke

Tony Ruggiero
Tony Ruggiero

Trent Wearner
Trent Wearner

Virgil Herring
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost orthographic life
One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Virgil Herring

Wayne Flint
Wayne Flint